Early Stage Researchers

Masho Hilawie Belay

ESR 1: Evaluation of CECs and their transformation products in water for human consumption: high resolution MS and ultra-trace analysis

Supervisors: Prof. E. Robotti, Dr. U. Precht (Eurofins VBM Laboratoriet)
Host institution: Università del Piemonte Orientale (UPO)
Work package: WP2
Contact: masho.belay@uniupo.it

About: Masho Hilawie Belay has studied Chemistry at Jimma University, Ethiopia. He obtained his Master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry from the Chemistry Department of Hawassa University, Ethiopia, (Master’s thesis on the Utilization of locally available biosorbents (coffee husk, orange peel and banana peel) for the removal of Pb(II) and Cr(VI) from polluted waters) and then another Master’s degree from Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, (Master’s thesis on Identification of sources for illegal oil spills: An approach combining multivariate statistics and gas chromatography and mass-spectrometry, GC-MS). His scientific interests are on the determination and removal of emerging contaminants and their degradation products in water.

Nuno Gonçalves

ESR 2: Removal of CECs using photoactive membranes; assessment of degradation paths and mechanism by means of high resolution analytical techniques

Supervisors: Prof. A. Bianco Prevot, Dr. A. Assoumani (INERIS)
Host institution: Università degli Studi di Torino (UNITO)
Work package: WP2
Contact: nunopaulo.ferreiragoncalves@unito.it

About: Nuno P. F. Gonçalves has graduated from University the Coimbra as Bachelor´s in Industrial Chemistry where he carried out the final project in photochemistry. He obtained his Master’s degree in Chemistry with specialization in organic synthetic chemistry developing new chemical entities for PET imaging. After graduation, he had a chance to joint to a spin-off from the University of Coimbra to develop new photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy. His research interest within the AQUAlity project is on the removal of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) using photoactive membranes; assessment of degradation paths and mechanism by means of high-resolution analytical techniques.

Cristina Jiménez Holgado

ESR 3: Green analytical microextraction methods for CECs determination and assessment of their photochemical behaviour in natural waters

Supervisors: Dr. V. Sakkas, Dr. V. Stathopoulos (MIRTEC)
Host institution: Panepistimio Ioanninon (UOI)
Work package: WP2
Contact: Jimenez-Holgado@cc.uoi.gr

About: Cristina Jiménez Holgado has studied Chemistry at the University of Seville in Spain. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry , working in the field of colloidal systems (Bachelor’s thesis on Evaluation of high intensity ultrasound as emulsification technique compared to other methods) and then her Master’s degree in Science and Technology of New Materials from the University of Seville (Master’s thesis on Fabrication and characterization of acid-pretreated porous titanium). Her research interest within the AQUAlity project is green analytical microextraction methods for CEC´s determination and assessment of their photochemical behavior in natural waters.

Zsuzsanna Varga

ESR 4: Photodegradation of CECs in environmental matrices: modelling versus direct analysis

Supervisors: Dr S. Bouchonnet, Dr. R. Binetti (SMAT)
Host institution: École Polytechnique – Palaiseau (EPP)
Work package: WP2
Contact: zsuzsanna.varga@polytechnique.edu

About: Zsuzsanna Varga obtained her master degree in Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry. The joint degree was issued by University Lille 1 and University of Bologna. Her master thesis was titled: Synthesis, characterization, and application of PHB gels for cultural heritage. She studied Chemical Engineering for her bachelor degree at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the thesis project being: Measurement of natural and synthetic small organic molecules, structure determination with NMR spectroscopy.
Her interests include analytical method development, theoretical and practical approaches to various spectroscopic techniques, such as high-resolution mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and X-ray techniques. Her research within AQUAlity project encompasses the direct analysis of contaminants of emerging concern using sensitive analytical techniques combined with statistical treatment of big data.

Lana Flanjak

ESR 5: Integrated toxicity approach for biosensing CECs – position assigned to Miss Lana Flanjak following a new joint selection procedure in 2021. She worked in AQUAlity starting from October 2021.

Supervisors: Dr. P. Roslev, Dr. D. Giacosa (SMAT)
Host institution: Aalborg Universitet (AAU)
Work package: WP2
Contact: lana.flanjak@gmail.com

About: Miss Flanjak studied Environmental Science at the University of Zagreb (Croatia). Successively she obtained her Master’s Degree in Environmental Science at Aalborg University and started to work as Research Assistant at AAU before to be enrolled in AQUAlity.

You can find more information on former ESR5, Reni Dimitrova and Oihane Del Puerto Bengoetxea, at this link

Dimitra Papagiannaki

ESR 6: Development of analytical methods using LC-MS-MS-MS technique for CECs detection and assessment of CECs in surface and drinking samples including toxicological screening

Supervisors: Dr. R. Binetti, Prof. P. Calza (UNITO)
Host institution: Società Metropolitana Acque Torino (SMAT)
Work package: WP2
Contact: dimitra.papagiannaki@unito.it

About: Dimitra Papagiannaki studied Chemistry at the University of Ioannina. She obtained her Master Degree in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry from the same department working on untargeted analysis of biological matrices using high resolution techniques (UHPLC-MS) and statistical analysis tools. Within the contex of her master studies, she worked on determination of organic compounds in several environmental matrices using different extraction methods and hyphenated chromatographic techniques. Her research interest within the AQUAlity project focuses on the development and evaluation of new analytical methods for the identification of Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) in a variety of water samples using advanced analytical techniques and on the assessment of the removal capability of new hybrid photochemical membrane treatments.

Alice Pavanello

ESR 7: Novel mechanistic insights on the photoredox degradation of CECs using organic photocatalysts

Supervisors: Prof. M. A. Miranda, M. L. Marin, Dr. Marcello Manfredi (ISALIT)
Host institution: Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
Work package: WP3
Contact: alpa13a@itq.upv.es

About: Alice Pavanello studied Chemistry at the University of Padua (DISC), Italy. She received the Master degree in Chemistry working on advanced oxidation processes and in particular studying a new non thermal plasma reactor for the degradation of pollutants in water. The title of her Master thesis was “Degradation of persistent organic pollutants in water by a new non thermal plasma reactor in air”. Her research interest within the AQUAlity project focuses on the photocatalytic reduction of micropollutants, based on steady-state and time-resolved experiments. In particular she will focus on the determination of the involved reaction pathways and on the role of some parameters as coloured natural organic matter, presence of anions or heterogeneization of the photocatalysts in the efficiency of the photocatalytic removal of pollutants.

Chukwuka Bethel Anucha

ESR 8: Photocatalytic oxidation of CECs by TiO2 or ZnO dye sensitized photocatalysts

Supervisors: Prof. E. Bacaksız, Dr. S. Stathopoulos (MIR)
Host institution: Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi (KTU)
Work package: WP3
Contact:  chikadoog@ktu.edu.tr

About: Chukwuka Bethel Anucha obtained his first degree in Chemistry from the University of Portharcourt, Nigeria with a final year Bachelor of Science degree project on: Determination of physico-chemical parameters of bonny light crude crucial in the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for oil spillage contaminated waters. After graduation, he went ahead to acquire some industrial and internship experiences in the areas of drinking water treatment and machine maintenances, wastewater treatment and environmental waste management & controls. He has got a masters in Chemical Innovation and Regulations; an Erasmus Mundus Masters programme administered by 4 European Universities with a jointly awarded MSc degree from University of Barcelona, Spain and University of Algarve, Portugal. His master research thesis was on: The development and optimization of chemical and biological processes for the treatment of sulphate rich and heavy metal mobilized acid mine drainage (AMD) wastewaters using sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB). His research interest within the AQUAlity project focuses on the photocatalytic oxidation of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) by TiO2 /ZnO dye-sensitized photocatalysts.

Iván Sciscenko

ESR 9: Emerging photochemical processes involving iron for wastewater treatment

Supervisors: Prof. A. Arques, I. Oller, Dr. C. Escudero (NIVA)
Host institution: Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
Work package: WP3
Contact: ivsci@txp.upv.es

About: Mr. Iván Sciscenko studied Chemistry at University of Buenos Aires. While doing his university career, he gained experience in scientific research as a scholar at National Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina (CNEA) in projects related to the synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles, free and immobilized, based on zerovalent iron or their oxides, as well as testing their efficiency for the removal of highly important environmental pollutants, mainly uranium, chromium and arsenic. His research interest within the AQUAlity project is the design and optimization of novel Fenton-based photochemical methods, their integration with other processes and assessment of their real applicability for wastewater treatment.

Davide Palma

ESR 10: Role of coloured natural organic matter in the photochemical fate and removal of CECs

Supervisors: Dr. C. Richard, Dr. C. Escudero (NIVA)
Host institution: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Work package: WP3
Contact: davide.palma@etu.uca.fr

About: Davide Palma obtained his Master degree in Environmental Chemistry in March 2017 at Università degli Studi di Torino. During his master thesis he worked on the synthesis of iron-oxides based magnetic nanoparticles, containing natural organic matter, to be used in advanced oxidation processes for the removal of CECs. Shortly after graduation he got a research grant at Università degli Studi di Torino in collaboration with the industrial partner ITT Automotive and he worked on the synthesis of novel and environmental-friendly friction materials for the automotive industry. Within the Aquality project he will be investigating the role of coloured natural organic matter in both oxidative and reductive processes for the removal of CECs.

Ilaria Berruti

ESR 11: Assessment of novel advanced oxidation processes for removal of disinfection-by-products and CECs from drinking water

Supervisors: Dr. María Inmaculada Polo-López, Dr. Marcello Manfredi (ISALIT)
Host institution: Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA)
Work package: WP3
Contact: iberruti@psa.es

About: Miss Ilaria Berruti studied Chemistry at the University of Turin. She received a Master degree in Environmental Chemistry from Università degli Studi di Torino (UNITO) working on new materials preparation, characterization and evaluation of photocatalytic performances in simple and complex matrix. Soon after, she started a fellowship at the Agricultural Department of University of Turin on a project named: “Digestate as by-product: an aware agronomic use”. Her research interest within the AQUAlity project is on issues related to the protection of water resources from Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) and on the development of innovative purification technologies. Specifically, her best achievement would be exploring the chemical possibilities of solar energy in relation to potential applications for water detoxification and disinfection. Her determination, passion and analytical skills will be key features in order to ensure accurate and trustable results: she is willing to challenge herself, to work hard and implement her cultural background.

Katarzyna Janowska

ESR 12: Modelling CECs perm-selectivity and fouling of nanofiltration membranes under AOPs

Supervisors: Dr. V. Boffa, V. M. Candelario Leal (LQT)
Host institution: Aalborg Universitet (AAU)
Work package: WP4
Contact: kaj@bio.aau.dk

About: Katarzyna Janowska studied Chemical Engineering at Poznan University of Technology. During her Bachelor and Master degree she was working on chitin in the field of nanostructured biomaterials. She gained practical experience in Physicochemical and Microbiological Laboratories in food industry analyzing water used in production process and in the Quality Control in medical industry. Her research interests within the AQUAlity project is for modelling selectivity and fouling of hybrid membranes-advanced oxidation systems.

Esra Eray

ESR 13: A highly permeable and highly stable silicon carbide membrane for an integrated nanofiltration/plasma discharge system

Supervisors: V. M. Candelario Leal, Dr. V. Boffa (AAU)
Host institution: LiqTech International A/S (LQT)
Work package: WP4
Contact: ese@liqtech.com

About:  Esra Eray obtained the Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Ataturk University,Turkey in 2014. After her Bachelor degree, she was awarded prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship to fully fund her master study in Erasmus Mundus Master in Membrane Engineering Programme (EM3E). She graduated from the EM3E Programme with a triple degree from the University of Montpellier&University of Paul Sabatier, France, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague,Czech Republic and University of Zaragoza, Spain. During her master studies, she specialized not only in membrane science and engineering but she also focused on nanoscience and nanotechnology. In her master thesis she worked in Design of Membrane Materials and Multifunctional System (DM3) group at CNRS/Institut Européen des Membranes (IEM), France on development of nanocomposite membranes for gas separation applications. Currently, she is working at AQUAlity project as an early stage researcher at Liqtech International A/S, Denmark on a permeable and highly stable silicon carbide membranes for an integrated nanofiltration/plasma discharge system.

Fabrício Eduardo Bortot Coelho

ESR 14: Multifunctional membrane materials for separation and abatement of CECs from drinking waters and wastewater

Supervisors: Prof. G. Magnacca, V. M. Candelario Leal (LQT)
Host institution: Università degli Studi di Torino (UNITO)
Work package: WP4
Contact: fbortotc@unito.it

About: Fabrício E. Bortot Coelho studied Chemical Engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) with a sandwich period at the University of Hull (United Kingdom). He received a Mater degree in Metallurgical, Materials, and Mining Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais working on the Population Balance of the Zinc Leaching and its Model Validation in Bench and Pilot Scales. At the Laboratory of Polymer Science and Technology (LCTP/UFMG), he worked with Synthesis and Characterization Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, Gels for Drug Delivery, and the Photodegradation of polymeric materials. In addition, he worked at the Laboratory of Separation Processes and Unit Operations with Liquid Surfactant Membranes and Solvent Extraction applied to Wastewater Treatment, Hydrometallurgy, and Biochemical Processes. His research interest within the AQUAlity project is the development of novel nanostructured/hybrid/photo- and bioactive membranes for efficient wastewater treatment by using bio-based, low-cost and available sources.

Dennis Deemter

ESR 15: Application of advanced integrated technologies (membrane and photo-oxidation processes) for the removal of CECs contained in urban wastewater

Supervisors: Dr. S. Malato, Dr. Ana M. Amat, Dr. M. Lai (IRIS)
Host institution: Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA)
Work package: WP4
Contact: ddeemter@psa.es

About: Dennis Deemter received Bachelors in the Double Degree programme of Mechanical Engineering and Polymer Technics, respectively at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences Zwolle, The Netherlands and Hochschule Osnabrück, Germany. He wrote his Bachelor Thesis in the field of Fibre Reinforced Plastics and continued his studies in Osnabrück with a Master in Applied Material Sciences with a focus on Polymers, especially in the application of membrane technology. In this study he found his strong interest for Nanotechnology and its application in composite materials. The subject of his Master Thesis was “Synthesis and physicochemical Characterisation of Nano-Hydroxyapatite Composites for biological Applications”. Within the AQUAlity Project he is working on the application of membrane and photo-oxidation processes for the removal of CECs contained in urban wastewater, combining all his Academical interests for a better environment and living quality.