
Next events

5th AQUAlity Symposium meeting and Summer School (Ioannina, Greece, 6-9 April 2020)

Past events


4th AQUAlity meeting and International Conference on Chemical Energy and Semiconductor Photochemistry (CESCOP 2019) (Trabzon, Turkey, 2-6 September 2019)


Third AQUAlity meeting, International Winter School on Mass Spectrometry and Workshop on substances prioritization (Palaiseau, France, 4-8 March 2019)



International Summer School on “Micropollutant Analysis and Abatement” (Aalborg, Denmark, 27-28 August 2018), Seminar on Advanced Water Purification Technologies (August 29, 2018) and 2nd AQUAlity Symposium meeting (August 30-31, 2018).
First Aquality Symposium and Summer School in Photochemistry and Depollution
(Clermont-Ferrand, France, 23-27 April 2018)
Information on the website:


Kick-off meeting (Torino, Italy, 25 October 2017)
Welcome and overview of the AQUAlity project. Presentation of the WPs objectives, tasks, milestone, deliverables and draft of the action plan for the period M1-M6

Workshop on PhD supervision (Torino, Italy, 23-24 October 2017)
Course held by Dr. Pia Bøgelund (Aalborg UNESCO Centre for Problem Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustainability)