Information on Former ESR5

Topic: Integrated toxicity approach for biosensing CECs

Supervisors: Dr. P. Roslev, Dr. D. Giacosa (SMAT)
Host institution: Aalborg Universitet (AAU)
Work package: WP2

Reni Dimitrova

worked on AQUAlity from 15th April 2018 to 8th May 2020

About: Miss Dimitrova studied Geoecology at the Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT). During her Master studies at the Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences she specialized in the field of water and wastewater treatment, water chemistry as well as ecology of aquatic ecosystems and water quality. She prepared both her Bachelor and Master theses at the Water Technology Center (TZW) in Karlsruhe, Germany. In the context of her master’s thesis she examined the removal of trioxane in groundwater using advanced oxidation processes. Her research topic within the AQUAlity project focuses on the development of bioanalytical tools for determining bioavailability and adverse effects of contaminants of emerging concern as well as assessment of the ecological impacts of the targeted pollutants.

Oihane Del Puerto Bengoetxea

worked on AQUAlity from 1st September 2020 to 30 September 2021

About: Miss Del Puerto Bengoetxea studied Biology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She obtained her Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Marine Environment and Resources (MER). During her master’s, she made use of ecotoxicity bioassays in aquatic risk assessment and analyzed cellular and molecular biomarkers for toxicity testing of environmental pollutants. Her MSc Thesis was about “The incidence of plastic ingestion on seabirds from the Bay of Biscay”. For the 6 months before joining AQUAlity, she worked at SINTEF Ocean (Norway) about the “Environmental fate and effect of microplastics”. Her research topic within the AQUAlity project focuses on the development of bioanalytical tools for the integrated assessment of Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) and the analysis of the efficiency of UV technologies for removal of CECs without generation of persistent and toxic transformation products.