SMAT S.p.A. Società Metropolitana delle Acque Torino the Company in charge of the management of the water cycle in the Metropolitan area of Torino (Piedmont-Italy) organises the Workshop “EU versus Italian water management” in the context of the European Marie Curie ITN project Aquality. The workshop is designed for graduate and PhD students, post-doctorates and any scientists willing to acquire knowledge in the water management in light of the future perspectives and challenges. This workshop due to COVID19, will be held in the form of a webinar.
Date: 18th January 2021
Venue: held remotely
Please register at the following link before 10th January 2021:
9,00-9,30 “Evolution of EU regulation: implementation in the field of water intended for human consumption” – Dr. Rita Binetti
9,30-10,00 “Geochemical, geostatistical and time series analysis techniques as a tool to achieve the Water Framework Directive goals for groundwater resources protection” – Dr. Elisa Brussolo
10,00-10,30 “From monitoring to risk assessment and management: the water safety plan approach” – Ing. Sara Steffenino
10,30-11,00 “Tackle the water leakage problem:real time network control and emerging technologies” – Ing. Marco Scibetta
11,15-11,45 “EU regulation in Wastewater sector and its application in SMAT”- Dr. Eugenio Lorenzi
11,45-12,15 “Circular Economy: energy and water nexus – SMAT experience”- Dr. Armando Quazzo
12,15-12,45 “Carbon footprint of integrated water services: GHG emissions reduction towards the EU 2050 climate-neutrality objective”- Ing. Beatrice Coloru
Note: The workshop and a written critical revision on one of the topics covered will provide 3 credits (ECTs) to PhD students