International Summer School on “Micropollutant Analysis and Abatement” & 2nd AQUAlity Symposium meeting

International Summer School on “Micropollutant Analysis and Abatement”  

Date: 27-29 August 2018
Venue: Aalborg University, CREATE Building, Rendsburggade 14, 9000 Aalborg (Denmark)
Registration: The number of participants is limited to 30. You can register by sending an e-mail to In order to be officially enrolled to the School, please create a profile (if you don’t have already one) and enroll in the course on, before June, the 30th.
Note: Participants will obtain a certificate for 3 ECTS. You might decide to attend only the seminar on Advanced Water Purification Technologies on August 29, 2018.
Download the flyer: Aalborg_summer_school_flyer_final.pdf

Programme and list of participants

Day 1 (August 27, 2018)

8:45 Welcome
9:00 Certified analysis of micropollutants: method development and validation – VBM Laboratoriet A/S
10:00 Measuring toxicity of micropollutants – Assoc. Prof. Peter Roslev

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Advanced membrane processes for the removal of micropollutants (part. 1) – Assist. Prof. Mads K. Jørgensen
15:15 Advanced membrane processes for the removal of micropollutants (part. 2) – Assoc. Prof. Vittorio Boffa

19:30 Social dinner

Day 2 (August 28, 2018)

8:45 Ozonation as a polishing step for micropollutant abatement in wastewater – Dr. Peter Tentscher
11:00 Water purification by electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (Part 1) – Assoc. Prof. Jens Muff

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Group exercises 
16:30 Conclusions

Seminar on Advanced Water Purification Technologies (August 29, 2018)

10:30 Welcome
10:40 Solar Advanced Technologies for the treatment and reuse of industrial and urban wastewater – Isabel Oller Alberola (Plataforma Solar de Almería)
11:20 Advanced oxidation processes for the abatement of micropollutant – Jens Muff (AAU)
11:40 Micropollutant abatement with ozone: model compound approach for phenolic substances –  Peter Tentscher (AAU)

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Biological polishing of treated wastewater – Jeppe L. Nielsen (AAU)
13:20 Bioanalytical tools for assessment of drinking water treatment – Peter Roslev (AAU)
13:40 SolarSack: a bag that provides safe water in developing countries – Anders A. Løcke (SolarSack IVS)
14:00 Project Ô: Modular treatment technologies enabling the integrated and symbiotic use of water on a small scale – Alessandro Cedrino (IRIS s.r.l.)

14:20 Coffee break

14:40 Innovative methods for control of membrane filtration – Mads K. Jørgensen (AAU)
15:00 UV-Cured solvent stable polymeric membranes for ultrafiltration – Marco Sangermano (Politecnico di Torino)
15:20 Novel membrane technology for resource recovery from waste streams –  Cejna A. Quist-Jensen (AAU)
15:40 MAT4TREAT: Enhancing water quality by developing novel materials for organic pollutant removal in tertiary water treatments –  Giuliana Magnacca (Turin University)

16:20 Conclusions

Please notice, Aalborg University will host the 17th Nordic Filtration Symposium on Thursday 30th and Friday 31st August 2018.

(last update: 2018/07/27)


2nd AQUAlity Symposium meeting

Date: 30-31 August 2018
Venue: Aalborg University, CREATE Building, Rendsburggade 14, 9000 Aalborg (Denmark)


Day 1

08:30 Welcome to participants and adoption of agenda V. Boffa/P. Calza (AAU/UNITO)

08:45 WP1-Management of the project P. Calza (UNITO)

9:10 WP2: ESRs presentations (Masho Hilawie Belay, Nuno Gonçalves, Cristina Jimenez Holgado, Zsuzsanna Varga)

10:30 Break

11:00 WP2: ESRs presentations (Rennie Dimitrova, Dimitra Papagiannaki)

11.40 WP2 discussion (chair: V. Sakkas (UOI))

12:00 Lunch

13:00 WP3: ESRs presentations (Alice Pavanello, Ivan Matias Sciscenko, Davide Palma, Ilaria Berruti)

14.20 WP3 discussion (chair: A. Arquez (UPV))

14:50 Break

15:10 WP4: ESRs presentations (Katarzyna Janowska, Esra Eray, Fabricio Bortot Coehlo, Dennis Deemter)

16.30 WP4 discussion (chair: V. Boffa (AAU))

Day 2

08.30 WP5 Discussion on ESRs Training Events I. Oller (CIEMAT)

09:00 WP6 Discussion on ESRs’ Secondments E. Robotti (UNIPMN)

09:30 WP7 Dissemination/Outreach activities of the project E. Laurenti (UNITO)

10:00 Break

10:30 Supervisory Board meeting

11:30 Planning for the next project meetings: -3rd AQUAlity meeting, Winter School and Workshop (INERIS) (S. Bouchonnet)

11:45 Round table and planning of the research/dissemination activities up to March 2019

12 :15 Conclusive remarks

12:30 Lunch

(last update: 2018/07/27)
