
Project leaflet: it provides project overview, objectives and features. It can be downloaded here: PDF Project leaflet


Articles in non-scientific magazines:

Press releases and stories:

Comics book:

A catchy story about the fight of super-heroes AOP against CECs – Contaminants of Emerging Concern! Story and first draft of the design: Iván Sciscenko – ESR9 Graphical Revision: Dr. Enzo Laurenti View and enjoy in one of the AQUAlity languages:

Power point and video lesson (by ESR8 – Chukwuka Bethel Anucha): Coronavirus Disease (COVID -19) & Clean Water

In spring 2020 (during lockdown due to COVID19 restrictions) ESR11, Ilaria Berruti, did not stop her work on AQUAlity! Look at what she prepared!

  • an interview presenting AQUAlity: Interview (mp3 file)
  • two videos presenting AQUAlity and her individual research project within AQUAlity: “Assessment of novel advanced oxidation processes for removal of disinfection-by-products and CECs from drinking water”: video in English on YouTube; Proyecto AQUAlity (ITN H2020) y proyecto de investigación individual de Ilaria Berruti en el marco de AQUAlity “Evaluación de nuevos métodos de oxidación avanzada para la eliminación de productos de desinfección y CECs en agua potable”: video in Spanish on YouTube
  • two articles, targeted to a non-specialist audience, on AQUAlity and on her individual research project: article in English; article in Spanish

In June 2020, ESR10, Davide Palma, created a video where he tells his job in research within AQUAlity in just 15 seconds! The video is in Italian, with subtitles in English. The video was one of the winners in the #MyJobinResearch video challenge launched by the Research Executive Agency at the start of June (https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/my-job-research-15-seconds-2020-jun-09_en) and thus it was published among the best videos on REA’s Twitter account on 4th August 2020. Have a look on Twitter, at the REA Account, @REA_research!

In June 2020, also ESR15, Dennis Deemter, and ESR11, Ilaria Berruti, created a video where they tell their job in research within AQUAlity in just 15 seconds! Dennis Deemter’s video is in Dutch, with subtitles in English. Ilaria Berruti’s video is in Italian, with subtitles in English. The videos participated in the REA #MyJobinResearch video challenge (https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/my-job-research-15-seconds-2020-jun-09_en), but were not selected as winners. We have uploaded them on YouTube. Dennis Deemter‘s video at this link! Ilaria Berruti‘s video at this link!

Video created in Italian in September 2020, by UNITO AQUAlity Staff (Paola Calza, Debora Fabbri), collecting contributions by all consortium members. It was shown at the BioEconomy Day (Turin, 24th September 2020), which featured EU, national and local policy-makers among its participants. The video is now available on YouTube.

AQUAlity Lab

AQUAlity Lab was presented in September 2018, during the European Researchers’ Night, by Masho Hilawie Belay, Nuno Paulo Ferreira Gonçalves, Dimitra Papagiannaki, Ilaria Berruti, Fabrício Eduardo Bortot Coelho. It was replicated: a) in February 2019, by Ilaria Berruti, Masho Hilawie Belay, Nuno Gonḉalves, Dimitra Papagiannaki, Fabricio Bortot Coelho and Katarzyna Janowska, in a presentation directly targeted to secondary school students, b) in October 2019, by AQUAlity Fellow Esra Eray and by Haris Kadrispahic, Victor Candelario and Nanette Zahrtmann (LIQTECH R&D Team), in a presentation directly targeted to master students (AQUAlity Fellows Fabricio Bortot Coelho and Dennis Deemter also helped to carry out the experiments); c) in February 2020, by Nuno Paulo Ferreira Gonçalves, Zsuzsanna Varga and Dimitra Papagiannaki, in a presentation directly targeted to junior high school students.

Outreach activities within AQUAlity Lab directed at high school students (in the form of PPT presentations and experiments):

  • “Simulation of ground water natural filtration” (demonstration activity by Masho Hilawie Belay (ESR1) and Ilaria Berruti (ESR11); 7 February 2019 – Second version of the video
  • “Be the solution to water pollution: Analysis and removal of pollutants from water. What do we have to do to make Goccia happy?” (demonstration activity by Dimitra Papagiannaki (ESR6); 19 February 2019)
  • “Removal of pollutants with a termo-catalyst” (demonstration activity by Fabrício Eduardo Bortot Coelho – ESR14; 18 March 2019)
  • Replication of AQUAlity Lab (demonstration activity by Nuno Paulo Ferreira Gonçalves – ESR2, Zsuzsanna Varga – ESR4 and Dimitra Papagiannaki – ESR6; 12 February 2020)

“Simulation of ground water natural filtration” (demonstration activity by Masho Hilawie Belay (ESR1) and Ilaria Berruti (ESR11); 7 February 2019 – Please find on YouTube the second version of the video “Simulation of ground water natural filtration”, created in April 2020, which displays new, more effective, graphics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJEy1EG2wmw&t=60s

Analysis and removal of pollutants from water (Dimitra Papagiannaki)
Removal of pollutants with a termo-catalyst (Fabrício Eduardo Bortot Coelho)

Replication of AQUAlity Lab at LIQTECH (3 October 2020). Target group: Master students from Denmark Technical University (DTU). Organizers: Victor Candelario and Esra Eray; Presenters: Haris Kadrispahic, Victor Candelario, Esra Eray and Nanette Zahrtmann (R&D team); Lead of the experiments: Victor Candelario, Esra Eray and Nanette Zahrtmann  (with the help of Fabricio Bortot Coelho and Dennis Deemter)

Replication of AQUAlity Lab at UNITO (12 February 2020) by Nuno Paulo Ferreira Gonçalves, Zsuzsanna Varga and Dimitra Papagiannaki

TV Interviews:

Events held directly by the network members at their local structures or in their geographical area:

AQUAlity was presented at:

  • the 10th European meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications – SPEA10, in Almería (Spain) 4-8 June, 2018

Praktikum event 2018 (25-29 June 2018, Alicante – Spain) – devoted to introducing students from high school to the tasks that are developed in a research lab.

Festival dell’Innovazione e della Scienza di Settimo Torinese 2018 (14-21 October 2018, Settimo Torinese – Italy) , conceived to open Science to the general public

PrimaVera Festa 2019 (18 May 2019): organised at High School Primo Levi and open to citizens: it involved a joint laboratory of projects AQUAlity, ProGiReg and ReHorti

Sustainability Treevial, Objective “Clean water and sanitation” – 25 September 2019, Torino University. Download the event agenda at this link.

AQUAlity ESR3, Cristina Jiménez Holgado, delivered lectures and lab courses to Master Students from 16th to 19th June 2020. Course delivered on 16th: “Sample preparation techniques and analysis of emerging contaminants”. Lecture and Lab Course delivered on 17th: “Analysis of pharmaceutical compounds by chromatographic techniques”. Lecture and Lab Course delivered on 18th: “FPSE development and optimization”. Lecture and Lab Course delivered on 19th: “FPSE validation and application to aqueous samples”.

Booklet 2018-2019-2020

A summary of 2018, 2019 and 2020 dissemination and outreach activities can be downloaded at this link: AQUAlity_Booklet_Years 2018-2019-2020.pdf

Researchers’ Night:




Due to the Covid19 pandemic, the Researchers’ Night was mainly made of online activities. Below a list of actions made by the AQUAlity people.

  • Cristina Jiménez Holgado and Dimitra Papagiannaki presented the AQUAlity project in a video at the Researchers’ night in Torino. The video is available on YouTube in the Sharper Night Official channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egsjORUZ6A4&ab_channel=SharperNightOfficial
  • Ilaria Berruti, Dennis Deemter and Iván Matías Sciscenko prepared a video about their investigation at the Plataforma Solar de Almería: Tratamientos solares de agua. Ilaria and Iván also participate in the outreach activity “Cafe con ciencia“, a lecture with high school students.
  • Dimitra Papagiannaki gave an online lesson with Rita Binetti at three classes from different high schools about the SMAT activities and the AQUAlity project for water cleaning.
  • Fabrício Bortot Coelho showed the abatement of water pollutant by means of a thermo-catalyst in a video on YouTube (also available on our Facebook page)


The Researchers’ Night come back to the street.

  • Dimitra Papagiannaki and Davide Palma presented their projects in Torino
  • Ilaria Berruti and Dennis Deemter participated to the Night in Almería


Booklet 2020-2022

A summary of the dissemination and outreach activities carried out in the second part of the project can be downloaded at this link: AQUAlity_Booklet_Years 2020-2022.pdf